IESL Uva Chapter Celebrations for World Water Day 2021
The theme of World Water Day 2021 is “Valuing Water”. Rather than a mere commercial value, water has enormous and complex value for our households, food, culture, health, education, economics, and the integrity of our natural environment. Without a comprehensive understanding of the value of water, we will be unable to save water for all.
Engineers have a great responsibility towards ensuring availability and sustainable management of water. By recognizing this IESL Uva Chapter conducted World Water Day Program on 25th of March 2021 at the Capital City Hotel, Badulla.
The event commenced by Eng. Nelson P. Jayathilake, Chairman of IESL UVA Chapter welcoming all the guests and Engineers of the IESL Uva chapter.
The presentation done on “Energy Conservation” by Eng. Hasitha Darshana emphasized the value of water in a different way. Eng. (Ms.) Ayesha Weerasinghe presented a case study in Badulu Oya, reminding the all engineers of their responsibility to safeguard the water resources. Eng. Sameera Anuradha presented about the commercial value of water to ensure the water has higher value than we expected.
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More than 60 engineers representing IESL Uva Chpater participated in the program, and the successful session ended with a vote of thanks delivered by Eng. Chathura Sanjeewa, Secretary of the IESL UVA Chapter.